Author: Frank Winn, Guns & Gear Editor
Date: February 10, 2016
Now and again, we get to bring you an American Warrior story that has a little something extra, and today is one of those occasions. Not only is it a success story–a good idea, plenty of hard work, right place/right time/right people, etc.–but also one where some of the key players are those who’ve had that extra close-up view of what liberty really costs: our veterans.
We may, in fact, get a double dose of sorts with the Gorilla Ammunition story. As Sales and Marketing Director Jay Duncan–himself a former 101st Airborne Combat Engineer–told us, “30 percent of our employees are vets.” The company is also producing some of the best ammunition we know of (it was the accuracy winner in our October 2015 review of the Legendary Arms 704, for instance).